Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"What would I do with a piece of your mind?


"Well, Kemo Sabe, What do we do now!"


"Oh! Be still my beating heart!"


"If beauty is only skin deep, how deep

does it need to go?"


"A fool and his money will have a good time!"


"If you are a few bricks short of a load,

don't take the truck out of the brickyard!"


"Of course you don't need a nose job...

it works doesn't it?"


"Do you know anyone who has never stuck

a Q-Tip in his ear!"


"The early bird still has to eat worms!"


"Taco Bell is suing a rival for copyright

infringement to get its ding dong back!"


"Two wrongs don't make a right,

but sometimes they make a maybe!"


"Is there anything men can't do working

together? Yeah. They can't read a manual!"


"Politics is the art of possibly doing

the possible if possible!"


"Do not live in a glasshouse if you are

a stone's throw from your neighbor!"


"My ancestors came on over the the brig!"


"You spent a mountain of money

to buy a molehill!"


"Wooda, coulda, shoulda...didya?"


"Go talk to Rover...You're sleeping

in his house tonight!"



alantru said...

These are great!

"My ancestors came on over the the brig!"

My personal fave!

Anonymous said...

I particularly loved that one too. It's the kind of thing I'd get put on a t-shirt... if I wore t-shirts! :p

Celia Pleete said...

Your blog is great! I am going to link you to mine, and favourited it on Blogcatalog so I can come back to it. Ephemera rules!

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

too funny, thanks